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Best LMS Platforms for Your Healthcare CE Integration Needs

Best LMS Platforms for Your Healthcare CE Integration Needs

Finding the best LMS platforms to integrate with your existing healthcare CE program management system doesn’t have to be a challenging process. In this post we’ll look reveal the criteria you will need to select the best platform for your organization.

With the right standards for selection in place it is easy to choose the best LMS platforms for your needs.

Look for a platform that anticipates program growth

The best LMS platforms to integrate with your healthcare CE systems are built to scale. If your program experiences rapid growth, your platform shouldn’t require a redesign. Here are some of the features to look for:

  • An LMS navigational structure that adjusts easily to a growing roster of classes.
  • An intuitive user interface offering on-page help for learners as they complete their activities regardless of the device they use.
  • An easy-to-use self-service design that allows learners to solve low-complexity platform-use issues on their own.
  • A streamlined registration model and a user-friendly order fulfillment system that helps your team avoid support calls during the on-boarding process.

EthosCE integrates seamlessly with your existing management system, providing the features that your program needs to grow from the very beginning.

Find a system that can accommodate complexity

Let’s face it: your healthcare CE program will always be complex. Whether it’s developing content that makes complicated healthcare topics easy to understand for your learners or creating a curriculum that helps your members earn needed credits most efficiently, your program has special requirements of its LMS. Your platform should make complexity harmless to your organization’s growth goals. That means every aspect of your LMS should be simple to manage, from the admin panel to user data reviews. For example, EthosCE offers customizable analytics dashboards that place all of your program and user data on a single admin panel. You will have complete control of your data and an accurate portrait of program health whether your program has a few dozen or a few thousand learners.

Choose an LMS platform that minimizes administrative task volume

As your healthcare CE program expands, the administrative tasks involved in supporting your program will become more numerous and resource-intensive. An enterprise-grade LMS will do much more than handle the content side of your CE program. EthosCE, for example, automates repetitive, resource-intensive administrative tasks, making LMS integration easier and bringing new value to your existing management system. Here are just some of the features that EthosCE adds to your management system:

  • E-commerce
  • Member/non-member pricing, coupons
  • SSO integrations with popular association management systems such as Aptify, Association Anywhere, iMIS, NetForum, Personify and more
  • Account-creation and management for both members and non-members
  • CE credit and point reporting back to an AMS
  • Self-service enrollment, purchase, and transcripts
  • Course-level AMS integration
  • Calendar integration
  • Registration for meetings, seminars
  • Support for online and hybrid courses, e-learning
  • Branding to match your association’s look and feel
  • Integration with certifying authorities such as boards
  • On-premise/managed dedicated hosting/SaaS options

With the EthosCE LMS doing the heavy lifting for your CE program, your healthcare management system becomes more efficient, allowing you to optimize the value of your current resources and budget over time.

Select an LMS that supports an agile educational model

Your learner base may already be diverse in levels of education and knowledge acquisition styles. As your program grows, so will your need for an LMS that can accommodate different types of learners. An enterprise-grade LMS will help your organization maintain and exceed healthcare CE standards by providing a flexible curriculum structure that emphasizes intuitive, self-paced learning and user experience.

Look for a platform that provides:

  • Simple integration for multimedia components such as animation, video, podcasts, and webinars.
  • The ability to use creative learner assessment formats that range from quizzes to interactive video.
  • Comprehensive aggregate and individual learner analytics enabling you to direct educational strategy based on per course or per assessment outcomes.
  • Offline and online immersive learning experiences that can be easily synced through the LMS.

The EthosCE excels in providing innovative curriculum tools that help organizations meet educational challenges with existing resources.

The EthosCE platform not only simplifies alignment with learning experience design best practices, but it also makes it easier to create customized educational experiences that meet the unique needs of diverse audiences.

Look for exceptional support that starts at launch

EthosCE support is comprehensive and continues through the integration process and beyond, making it a frictionless experience for your organization. We provide partnership level support, providing guidance on the best ways to get the most out of your healthcare management system using our LMS platform. As your program grows, we’ll be right there to show you how to unleash the value of your data using the EthosCE Analytics suite and to help keep your team informed without advanced data visualizations. With EthosCE, you will always have access to an enterprise-grade roster of features, regardless of the size of your program or organization.

It’s time to transform your management system with enterprise-grade features

If you are hoping to scale your program and improve the efficiency of your existing management program, then you need a single solution, not a hodgepodge of new services. With EthosCE, you have a single source for the latest curricular tools, automated task management, and data collection and analytics

If you would like to give a test drive to a dedicated LMS for your Healthcare CE, schedule a few 1-on-1 walkthrough with one of our specialists today!

